Report absences: 878-6400 and Press 2
Leave a message with your name, your child's name, and child's grade.
A parent/guardian must notify the school that the student will be absent on a daily basis by calling 878-6400. If no one is available to take your call, please leave a message with the student name and reason for the absence. We will adjust the attendance record in a timely manner.
Please be aware that “robo calls” are generated every time a student is not physically present in class and you will receive calls for excused absences and school-related absences. This is the nature of the notification system and cannot be changed at a school level.
- Students under the age of 18 cannot sign themselves out of school and must be signed out by a parent or guardian.
- Absences may be excused for the following reasons with appropriate documentation:
- Illness (including chronic illness documented on a health plan, IEP or 504 plan)
- Limited family emergencies; family deaths
- Medical, health or legal appointments
- Suspensions
- Religious commitment
- College visit
- Limited extenuating circumstances as approved in advance by the school principal
- All absences for other reasons are unexcused including non-school sponsored activities or trips and family vacations outside of the normally scheduled school breaks
- In APS, a student is considered “a student in need of early intervention” (truant) at five (5) unexcused absences and a habitual truant at ten (10) unexcused absences in a year.
- At 5 absences in any class per semester, a parent conference will be called and student will be placed on contract.
- At 10 absences in any class per semester, a parent conference will be called and the student may lose the ability to work in groups.
- At 20 absences in any class per semester, the student may be withdrawn from the class with a W/F and not be granted credit for the course. -Principals may request additional documentation for excessive excused absences.
Make-up Work
Students may complete work for all excused and for up to 10 unexcused absences. Students will have the opportunity to complete the work in a period of time equal to the number of days absent unless the student and the teacher have mutually agreed upon other arrangements.
It is expected that students will take semester finals on the days that they are scheduled. Requesting permission to take a final exam early is discouraged.